Final inspection for warranty

Notification of defects at the end of the warranty period of a property and supervision of the rectification of defects.

New construction monitoring

The focus is on environmental aspects. Both influences affecting the property (flooding, earthquakes, climatic effects, emissions from the neighborhood) and influences emanating from the property (soil contamination, building pollutants, emissions into the neighborhood) are examined and presented. Core elements of the EDD are usually also part of a comprehensive TDD.

Warranty supervision

Warranty support: Support during the warranty period of a property with regular recordings of any defects that occur and monitoring of their rectification.

Bank monitoring

Monitoring the construction of a property with regard to the assessment of the services provided and their quality in relation to the payment amounts.

MON reconstruction

Support for refurbishment projects from planning to handover. There are different approaches:1.) In an energy-efficient refurbishment, the building is revised with a view to reducing energy consumption and other sustainability aspects. It is also important to pay attention to official/state/EU requirements, some of which will only apply in the future. The possible use of subsidies […]

MON New building

Support for development projects from planning to handover.During the planning phase, care is taken to ensure that the project meets the buyer’s requirements, particularly with regard to sustainability and economic viability. In the construction phase, monitoring ensures that the agreed quality is implemented right through to handover. In the final phase of the project, particular […]